
Archive for the ‘The Young Victoria’ Category

I do enjoy films that are based on history and this film was one of them. The Young Victoria is based on the preceding rein of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert.

The story unfolds with Victoria (Emily Blunt) growing up in a royal household with strict limitations. She meets her cousin Albert (Rupert Friend). They develop a deep friendship that later becomes love and devotion. Emily Blunt is an outstanding actress and I lost myself in her passion and fiestiness and the change in her character was beautifully done. Following their marriage, Prince Albert struggles with not being ‘helpful’ and sharing the burdens of Queen Victoria’s obligations, which I thought was just beautiful.

The film has a few characters that will have you guessing, but I won’t spoil it for anyone that hasn’t seen it. I have to admit I was not struck on Rupert Friend being cast as he reminds me of the dreaded Leonardo Di Caprio. However, his acting was sincere and genteel and I have to admit that I am now becoming a  fan.

I had researched the history of Queen Victoria prior to watching the film and overall I was happy with what was portrayed. Although, I would have liked to see more of their ‘married’ lives revealed. Queen Victoria married Prince Albert out of unmitigated love, and her love for him was still demonstrated after his death where she had his clothes laid out every morning for 40 years after his death. Victoria was apparently very outgoing and passionate when she was young, and after losing her husband she became the complete opposite and apparently became repressed and withdrew largely from the public and remained in mourning for many years with calls to abolish the Monarchy.

Some of this history would have made a beautiful ending. The way I see it is that if you are producing a film that is based on events and is a historical romance, an actual history that has ‘love’ should have been included in the story (and … there was certainly enough time to lengthen the film) – let’s face it, which royals have married for love?

Starring: Emily Blunt, Rupert Friend, Jim Broadbent, Miranda Richardson

I really loved this film’s lavish costumes and scenery. The characters were all very well cast. I liked the cheekiness and more serious subjects of the film. And for ladies that love their Swarovski jewellery, I believe that various jewellery was loaned by Swarovski from their archive collections.

I Rate it: ♥♥♥

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